System requirements

System requirements — macOS
- Intel Mac running macOS 10.12 (Sierra), 10.13 (High Sierra), or 10.14 (Mojave).
- Color screen, minimum 800x600 resolution (at least 1024x768 recommended)
- 50MB free diskspace
- Mouse
- Sound card and speakers for sound

System requirements — Windows
- PC running Windows(R) 7, 8, 8.1, or 10 (both 32 bit and 64 bit).
- Color screen, minium 800x600 resolution (at least 1024x768 recommended)
- 50MB free diskspace
- Mouse
- Sound card and speakers for sound
What others are saying...
After taking courses in the biblical languages from introduction to advanced I found myself suffering, like others, with the instinct of recognizing the forms as quickly as I needed.
Paradigm Master Pro has served for me like a trainer in the gym because it gave me what I needed the most--repetition and variation. With hundreds of different individual quizzes and thousands of different known forms PMP's repetition and variety improved my weaknesses giving me immediate feedback by scoring each quiz as I went along. This immediate feedback along with scoring gave me a real indication how well I truly knew each form.
A great benefit of PMP is that it can be integrated with the classroom or self study no matter what grammar book you are using. PMP has become for me one of the most valuable tools for learning the biblical languages. It is a must have for anyone who really wants to read the languages.
Luke Wisley, New College, University of Edinburgh
About PMP
Paradigms Master Pro is a software quiz for learning and retaining paradigms. PMP currently works with Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Latin, and modern Spanish.
Contact us
Scripture Systems ApS
Nørregade 22, 2nd floor left
9000 Aalborg, Denmark
(+45) 6170 6850